Rents & Procedures
The rent depends on different features for example the neighborhood, equipment, private/shared bathroom, vicinity to the subway, etc. All rooms are furnished, individual rooms and cost between 170 and 400 USD per month. The standard lies between 200 and 300 USD, not including food, for a single room. There are double room options for two people traveling together too.
The rent normally includes:
- Expenses: gas, water, electricity, local telephone
- Free use of kitchen or special cooking facilities
- Private or shared bathroom
- Use of washing-machine or laundry service
- Use of common spaces (living/dining-room, terrace, garden)
- Internet access if available
You pay the rent at the beginning of each month counting from the day you arrive. If at the end of your stay you don't complete a month you may negotiate a partial payment. When renting a room through ContactChile, normally there is no security deposit required.
Your inquiry is free of charge. You may choose one or several rooms from our online database or ask for a recommendation. We advise you on the best options for you. When you decide for an available option, we shall ask you to send us your personal information and to wire the first month's rent plus the agency's fee in advance.
This enables us to make a formal reservation for you. Please note that the only way to confirm a reservation is by sending this deposit. Once the wire transfer has arrived on our bank account or once we have charged your credit card, your reservation is binding, and the first month's rent can be claimed by the landlord in case of no-show.
You may send money using one of the following methods:
* Credit cards and PayPal charge a small service fee. Check with your executive.
If for any reason none of these alternatives work, we can try to hold the reservation but we cannot guarantee it.
If the lodging differs essentially from the published description, we will arrange a change without extra charge (only the price difference if there is any). In order not to incur any additional costs to you, we recommend to leave the original room at the end of a rental month with giving at least 14 days notice to the landlord and to ContactChile.
Another option is to get to Santiago first and have a look personally at several vacancies, and then decide. Depending on the time of the year, there might be less vacancies than if you make a reservation in advance.
We also arrange your pick-up service at the airport.