New Immigration Law in Chile

After eight years being discussed in the Congress, the Chilean Senate just approved the new Immigration Law that establishes 13 different types of visas and a new National Immigration Service, which will be the official entity for the delivery of temporary visas requested in Chile and abroad, that includes an automated system for the request of visa extensions and permanent stays. 

Among the visas the law includes: work and study visas, family reunification, temporary work, humanitarian reasons, medical treatment and another visa related to work opportunities in Chile. 

Unlike what is established by the current legislation, with this new law, all foreigners who wish to enter Chile to immigrate must obtain their visa and their RUT (ID) before arrival. 

Now, the only step left is for the law to be promulgated by the President, and to establish the deadlines for the different measures considered in this new legislation.

You need visa assistance? We can help!